QuickBooks in the Cloud doesn’t have to be a limited SaaS edition, it can be the full desktop version of QuickBooks in a multi-user environment whether you use Premier, Accountants Edition, Enterprise, Industry Specific flavors or even POS. This course will evaluate different types of “Cloud” solutions on the market today for Accountants, as well as address the all too common problems of version control, licensing issues and creating Accountants Copies. Join us as we delve into the world of Cloud and help you create new client accounting services while better working your clients on advanced technology platforms.
Learn what the different types of Cloud technologies are that offer online access for Accounting systems
Identify best practices for Cloud implementation
Develop new Client Accounting Services
Explore Cloud security
Evaluate the user experience of working in the same QB file as your client, at the same time
Colleen, AZ
"Very easy to understand and answered a lot of questions I had about accounting "in the cloud"."Jiangman, GA
"I really enjoyed using the webinar, it is clear, easy to use and user friendly."Darlis, MO
"The presentation was very informative and relevant to my Accounting Practice."Michael, CO
"Good to learn about new products that can help to better run a business."Nan, AZ
"I found this webinar to be extremely clear and relevant to my work."Laura, GA
"Very well done. Good to know all we can about Cloud technology!"Ernesto, AZ
"Good presenter. Product not conducive to my practice."Kate, AZ
"Thank you. The info was most timely."
Cloudnine Real Time
(888) 869-0076
Robert is founder and CEO of Cloudnine Realtime. He began his career in the accounting field in 1995. As a visionary, he quickly saw the future needs of the accounting industry and became an early adopter of Cloud Technology. He is now an acknowledged industry expert in Cloud Technology and a leading national advocate for modern accounting methods. Awarded “Top 40 under 40” winner by CPA Practice Advisor Magazine and also recognized as a Business Leader by Small Business Influencer, Robert continues to be a major catalyst in moving the accounting industry forward through advancements in the Cloud Technology field.